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Hello! I'm Caris. I can be a little crazy, but also a little shy. New mum to a beautiful boy. Learning how to juggle!

Monday, 9 December 2013

Month 5!

Ok, so I never did get around to writing about our family tragedy back in May. And I'm still not sure how to go about it, so for now, even though I said I wouldn't, I am going to continue on with Declan's monthly updates instead, because, well its DECEMBER already (what what?!) and hes about to be ONE!

So Month 5, in terms of Declan-ness was pretty good. Thank goodness we have an easy baby that's so adaptable and cooperative (I may eat those words one day!) that no matter what we were all going through, or expecting him to deal with (any sort of routine had gone straight out the window this month!) he dealt with it all like a champ. And is still constantly smiling. He makes everyone smile, such a blessing to have in our lives.

This month though, was particularly hard for me, as it marked my return to work. And full time work at that! I always knew I'd be returning to work, at some point, but it wasnt supposed to be this quickly. But we need the money, and there wasn't a way I could swing being part time at the job I already had, so after a few half weeks (thank goodness my replacement agreed to my part time arrangement for as long as she could) I returned to full time. 8-4, 5 days a week. That meant finding a day care for Declan. Which felt like such a daunting task. There are plenty around our area, and near my work place, and I hadn't heard a bad word about any of them, and that somehow made the decision harder. I checked out a couple I had had good recommendations to, but they just didnt feel "right". The last place I looked at, thank fully, was the best. I just had such a good feeling about it. As soon as Declan and I walked in there, we knew it was the place for us! It was such a big decision, and despite all my good feelings about the place, I still didnt sleep very well before and after making the final decision, I'm always such a nervous wreck about big life decisions. We worked out that Declan would go to day care full time 4 days a week, and my sister would have him on Tuesday mornings (Dan only works til 12pm on Tuesdays). Ami was just so danged excited to start her new weekly babysitting duties, and Declan still to this day just adores her and their special time together. I'm so grateful that she was able to do this, and its so special that theyre so close.

Declan took to daycare like a champ. Apparently only cried a little bit when I left the first 2 days, then he was fine. All the girls that look after him in his baby room are so sweet and attentive to him, I felt really comfortable leaving him in their care. Of course, I still got quite teary every morning when I drove away, but that soon faded once I saw how much fun he was having. We get a write down of everything hes done/eaten/drank/slept every day, and hes always in such a good mood in the afternoon, he must really being enjoying it.

Of course, with full time work, comes so much busy-ness that some days I felt really stressed and exhausted, I wasnt sure how I was going to be able to do this long term! And occasionally, I do still feel like I have no time to do anything, and nothing in the house will ever be completely done, but I am getting more used to it, and Declan has sorted himself out a great routine, he's even started sleeping through the night! Hallelujah!!

He's so good at rolling now, except he really doesnt enjoy being on his stomach much! Cant see him crawling anytime soon thats for sure! He's grown himself some teeth, and managed to handle teething really well, and even started to make more and more noises (I hear him say "mumma" every day in my head, though he hasnt quite got it out just yet! haha). He's an amazing baby, and we are so so lucky to have him. He certainly came at the right time for my whole family, and they all needed him this month to help lift their spirits and make them smile. He's definitely good at that!!

Photo time!

The one photo of him not screaming on his stomach! he really does look close to crawling, but it seriously isnt going to happen any time soon!

Apparently mummy's glasses are hilarious! Oh baby boy, you do look hilarious in them!

Such a little baby in a big bed! I put him in there straight, but somehow he always ends up diagonal!

First encounter with a rubber duckie! Haha his face!

Gotta rug up in these cold months! This set was the best thing I've bought for him, he wears his mittens in bed to stop him pulling out his dummy and waking himself up, and the hat is great coz his little ears are always cold! Plus, LOOK AT THE CUTE!

"Helping" poppy with the puzzles!

Fun times in the daycare swing. Apparently hes a big swing hog and has a bit of a cry every time they take him out. This was his first day, man did I feel better when I saw how happy he looks!

We also tried to start giving him some food. Rice cereal at first, as he hasn't had anything else but breastmilk or formula. He wasnt a fan. But we'll keep trying!


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