I know I know, its been almost 3 months, I really have no excuse. well I kinda do, I HAD A BABY! Finally! The last time I posted, it was a day before my due date, but baby boy decided not to show up that day! or the next, or the next, or even the next!! He was a whole WEEK late, which for those of you who remember what my due date was (December 18th) means he was born...
and what a Merry Christmas it was!
Our darling baby boy was born at 5.15am Christmas morning weighing 6pd 6oz and 47cm long.
After much discussion, and a big sleep for myself and dad, we finally named our beautiful boy (a whole 17 or so hours after he was born). I'm very excited to introduce to everyone,
Declan Taylor
His name doesnt specifically come from anywhere (we actually just spotted it in the end credits for a tv show we both liked) we just love the sound of it. And that its a little different without being too "weird". Taylor, however, is my brothers name. it's also my nan's maiden name. I've always had my heart set on getting a family name in my childrens name somewhere, and thankfully, D was quite happy to oblige.
So the last almost 3 months have been so amazing and incredible. Theyve been hard, fun, exhausting, emotional, and the greatest time of my life.
I cant wait to share more when I get the time! I will be doing more posts soon on what's been happening and how things have been going the last few months, and of course, I will attempt to write up the birth story very soon (that is, of course, unless no one wants to read about it!!)
Thanks for being patient, I'm hoping there's still some of you out there still reading!