About Me

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Hello! I'm Caris. I can be a little crazy, but also a little shy. New mum to a beautiful boy. Learning how to juggle!

Monday, 23 July 2012

too late for apologies

well ive been gone for so long it seems rude to just apologise and move on. but ive been busy cooking this baby in my little oven and its gotten crazy around here! we've been organising, socialising, sleeping and just trying to enjoy our time together before its about to be interrupted!

just a few pics from my phone. not great quality all of them, but its a glipse of whats been happening.

oh and bub is good, great in fact. everythings going well. im 19 weeks now and we've found out what we're having!! super excited!!

love having high tea with the ladies (z not in the pic. we had a ball though!)

part of my wonderful family. this is my father with his sisters and his dad. grandad is 85 tomorrow! wowie! love them x


amazing rug/blankie that my auntie got us for the bub! its the softest cutest little lambie ever!!

19 weeks! never mind the blurriness and the silly look on my face (oh and our messy bathroom!) im not good at selfies!

a not so subtle hint at the gender of our bub! went out and bought this immediately after we found out!! cant wait!

Monday, 9 July 2012


Just spent about half an hour typing up a catch up post, but blogger is playing up on my work computer. Will retype and post later at home when I have more time! Apologies