About Me

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Hello! I'm Caris. I can be a little crazy, but also a little shy. New mum to a beautiful boy. Learning how to juggle!

Thursday, 26 April 2012


well hello everyone! im back from holidays! full post and pics coming soon, but to sum up, we had an amazing holiday and such a relaxing time. there was a slight hickup which resulted in a night in hospital (no not over there, luckily we were home by then!) but all in all, it was great. and i cant wait til our next holiday (august!)

oh a side note, disaster at work! blogger has been blocked on our work computers. :( something i shouldnt technically complain about, since i shouldnt be blogging at work, but its an inconvenience all the same. i will try my hardest to keep on track with my blogging at home. fingers crossed i do end up with a new laptop for my birthday!

so happy to be home :)

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

2.5 days to go!

happy wednesday everyone! wow wednesday already. gee when you get 2 holidays and a weekend in between, the days really do just get away from you! 'scuse the lack of posting, but i was off enjoying a nice break from work. (which is silly because im about to go on proper holidays anyways!)

how was everyones break? mine was lovely. hectic though. there was alot of family time to fit in in those 4 days, but it was great all the same.

ill start with thursday. titanic was awesome. i hadnt watched that movie in about 10 years i reckon, but it was still awesome. i loved it. the 3d was a great touch, but not too distracting, and boy had i forgotten just how cute lil young leo was back then! wow. we had a great time. we laughed and sung and danced and gasped and cried and had a blast all at the same time. im so glad we went and saw it.

as i said before, friday we were having lunch with D's dads side of his family. the side of the family i had never met, even though we've been together near on 2 years (next week!) and some of the family i met, while theyd heard of me, they had no idea we'd been together so long, or even that we were living together! so i guess D and his parents keep their lives quiet? im not sure. but it was a great day. we had a lovely seafood lunch with everyone, and sat around laughing and talking and watching the kids play. theres 10 great grandkids on that side already, but theyre all boys! not one little princess in site!! but the boys were all adorable and well behaved. was a great day.

saturday morning, we were up early so i could make my potato salad for our next family lunch that day. my potato salad is delicious and is starting to become my "thing" whenever someone has a dinner or lunch that we're invited too. and i dont mind. its really simple. its just potatos, boiled eggs, bacon and avocado. the dressing is what makes it awesome. but i dont even make that. im super lazy, i find the shortest way possible to make something. so the dressing comes from a packet. and its black pepper, garlic and parmesan flavoured. yumm!

look at all that bacon!! well i was cooking for 12! we went round to D's other grandparents place for a lovely lunch with D's sisters and partners and uncles and everyone. its a lovely little family group and im super happy to be a part of it. theyre all so nice to me, so i think that means they like me! we were celebrating not only easter, but his nan & pops 75th birthdays (both their birthdays are within a week of each other) and to celebrate, they cracked open the bottle of Moet that they had received as a present for their 50th wedding anniversary a few years ago! what a way to celebrate! it was such a great day. we were all full and tuckered out by about 4pm, so we left and spent the rest of the day/night on the couch being bums. we had a drive to my parents place to face in the morning, so we really werent up to doing anything saturday night.

so up early again we were on sunday. to make the 2 hr drive down south to spend easter with my family. we were roped into taking my sister and her fiance in our car too, so at least the drive wasnt boring! we got 'home' around 11.30am and from then on it was more and more food!

my family paid absolutely no attention to me saying i didnt want chocolate this year! haha i should be thankful. even though i said i didnt want it, im sure a part of me wouldve been disappointed if i had received none at all. mum also got us some fresh new bath sheets! love them! and me and my sis scored $20 off nan each too! yay!!

we had a nice family lunch, just us and nan and pop. mum had cooked a roast lamb and had all the roast veggies and everything to go with. and considering she has NO kitchen at the moment, it was quite a feast! i dont know how she did it with just a camping style stove and a webber, but she did and it was delicious!!! i get the suspicion that the novelty of cooking outside and having no kitchen sink and everything is starting to wear off though. specially when her camping sink broke half way through the dishes and covered all our feet in dirty dish water! yucko!! we then just had a nice afternoon of relaxing and not doing much of anything. me and D did have plans to go out to my auntie's ''farm'' and visit, but we were full and tired and bumming around on the couch seemed like a better idea. turns out, we missed out on seeing my cousin J and her beautiful babies, and since i havent seen them since xmas, i was a little bummed. but it was my own fault for being lazy! we'll see them again soon anyway no doubt!

back to the city on monday, seemed like we had hardly spent anytime at home all weekend. after a quick visit to my grandad in hospital, we managed to get out of town and back to the big smoke by 1pm. which was nice coz it meant we still had the afternoon to sort all our washing and organise ourselves for the week. hate getting back at like 7pm when theres no time to do anything cept have dinner and go to bed!

so washing was done, and i loosely started packing for our holiday. not real packing, just sorted what i wanted to take and what needed washing into piles on our spare bed. that kinda counts doesnt it?

capped the lovely long weekend off with a very very bright nail polish job to wake me up whenever im about to fall asleep at my desk! not long now!!

promise ill be better at taking more pics soon! and therell be plenty from our holiday!!

Thursday, 5 April 2012


happy early weekend everyone! why is it early? well because its easter silly! which means a super extra long weekend, and i for one, CANNOT WAIT!

it all starts tonight...

Z, a friend from work J, and I are all going to see the re-release of Titanic in 3D tonight! we're heading out to dinner first which im sure will be lovely, then off to relive our love for Leo and Kate and the dramatic spectacle that is that movie. Now, I gotta be honest, i didnt LOVE titanic when it first came out all those years ago. i wasnt a massive Leo fan back then (cmon i was only 12!) and for some reason i just didnt get all caught up in the hype of it. but since it got announced that they were releasing it in 3D, ive started to feel all nostalgic and excited about it and i can not wait to see it again. it really was a beautiful movie, i love love loved all the costumes and the detail they put into every scene. its going to be awesome. and since ive gotten all mushy in my old age, i just know im going to cry! waterproof mascara for sure tonight!!

is anyone else going to go see this while its at the cinemas again??

so thats going to be a great start to my easter weekend. we've got a bunch of family gatherings to get to, including a Good Friday seafood lunch with the side of D's family that i havent even met yet! and of course, we're squeezing in a trip down south so i can make sure to spend some time with my family also. theres talks of a night out at my aunt & uncles farm, which will no doubt feature lots of laughing, drinking and table tennis! my cousins bub, Jaffa (not his real name of course, but he has just started to call himself this by accident. and its adorable, so we're hoping it sticks!) hes only 2, but hes decided he loves ping pong, and is always trying to play. nevermind that the table is level with his nose and he can barely reach over the table! he has dad to help with that!! and you know what? im so terrible at it, he'll probably kick my ass!!

only a week til our bali trip! wow thats come quick. and im only jsut now starting to think of everything we have to do and sort out before we go. its full on. but im excited and am already counting the days til we're on that plane and celebrating our 2 year anniversary just the two of us!

hope everyone has a safe and happy easter long weekend, no matter what youre all getting up to for it!! promise ill make more effort to take lots of quality pics to share when i get back!!

:) Caris-L

Monday, 2 April 2012

happy monday!

no really, it is a happy monday for a change! cept for the weather. a little less rain and wind please, my hair does not behave in these conditions! seriously, it looks like i straightenned my hair in the dark this morning! grrrrr. but anyways, yes happy monday.

apologies for my lack of posting, i had been struck down with the dreaded flu for almost all of last week and am still recovering. but for the first time in a while, today i can smell and taste and breathe through my nose again! so happy day for that!

how was everyones weekend? mine was fabulous. i probably shouldve taken it a bit easy, since i wasnt well still, but ehhh. friday night was spent in, with DPants and JBB (otherwise known as J) we watched that Ryan Gosling movie, Drive. which im still not sure if i liked or not. it was odd. and very violent. just when i was about to complain that nothing was happening in the movie and that it was a bit boring, WHAM blood! so i guess it got exciting. it wasnt boring, or terrible. it was just odd. and not really my thing.

saturday, DPants and I went book shopping for our holiday. i still have a bunch of unopenned books that i got for my bday and xmas, so i didnt end up purchasing any. but D got a couple (cant even remember what) and then we headed into the city. He was there to pick up his comics, i was shopping around for the perfect cobalt blue jeans. which i had been searching for, for like forever. i had seen them at a local cotton on store ages ago. but didnt buy. now that i actually wanted them, i couldnt find them anywhere!! went to 5 different cotton ons! all the while looking in other stores for similar ones that would do. but nothign!! arrrgghhhh!! i hate when you have the perfect item of clothing in your mind, and you decided that you HAVE to have it, and NOW and NOTHING else will do. drives me crazy! anywho, in the end I FOUND THEM! at the 6th cotton on store! i had to get a size bigger then i would normally wear, but theyre skinnies, so still fitted well, and they were onsale for $30 so score!

(top Kmart, jeans CottonOn, shoes Target)

 i found them! whoo!! so happy with them. theyre just exactly what i wanted. scuse my posing, im still not very good at outfit pics. this whole outfit is a bit of a budget one. with the top from Kmart only being $15, the jeans were $30 and the shoes were $30 too! i went out on the town with Z and a couple of her friends on saturday night. we went into northbridge and danced the night away. we had a blast, but man am i getting too old to be out til 4AM!!!! thats right. we didnt get back to Z's til 4. after 3 clubs and a pit stop for food at 2am, we were wrecked! my poor feet were so sore all day on sunday!

the always lovely Z. trying to pull off her sultry look. hehe she looks so cute. and her hair was adorable. not sure what brand her dress is, but i know she got it while she was working at myer. its hard to tell in this pic, but its acutally a really nice light lemon colour with brownish gold leaves on it. so pretty.

sunday i drove myself home at around 9am then went back to bed for a couple of hours. had to get up and get ready for a bbq that me and D were going to at a friends place. it was a pretty nice afternoon, albiet a little chilli, but we had a great time relaxing with friends. played a few rounds of pool, play with their new kitty "snuggles" and then we all went for a big walk around a new housing display village thats close to their home. was lovely walking through the new homes and dreaming of what me and D could eventually have. pffft, yeah right! if we won lotto maybe! but it was still nice to look.

the adorable snuggles. who is also affectionatly known as "boof" since shes so boofy! im not a huge fan of cats, but kittens are adorable and alot of fun to play with.

all in all it was a great weekend. we were both knackered by the time we got home last night and in bed by 9pm! was a early night, but we needed it.

now we've just got a short week, easter, another short week to get through, then we'll be off to Bali! cant wait!!