Good Morning!
Well its been a little while since I've blogged, apologies for that, but the reason being was my super busy week and weekend that hasn't even really slowed down just yet. But its all been great fun and I'm having a blast, so its all worth the tiredness.
The last week or so has been bittersweet, as i mentioned before, one of my best friends R was moving to London for 2 years! (she left last night!!) so we were all busy doing things "one last time" with her and making sure we packed in as much time with her as possible.
Wednesday night we went up to our friend H's place for a Skype tutorial (hosted by her bf M) none of us had ever used skype before and we all needed to learn before R left us to make sure we could talk to her all the time! it was pretty easy, and i doubt we needed the prinouts M did for us, or the little presentation he had playing on his tv (haha dork) but it was great, and was a good excuse for all of us to have dinner together. (one last time at H's)
this is R and I "learning" hehe. We had so much fun, such a laugh. specially when we all decided to skype each other while all sitting in the same room! poor M!!
As i mentioned sometime last week, Thursday night was the night me and R were going to get our tattoos before she left. but then she chickened out! her parents and sister found out that she was thinking of getting one, and they totally hit the roof. her mum even sat her down and lectured her about it! ridiculous, coz shes 26, she can do what she wants. but it really upset her that everyone was being negative about it, and it made her doubt whether she truly wanted one or not. i didn't want it to become a negative experience for her, so no tattoo for R. which meant no new tattoo for me. that's ok though, i can get mine whenever. and i couldn't really afford a new one this week anyways, was just all excited at the thought of having a new one to show off! oh, and i know i mentioned that i would be doing a post of the tattoos i already have, and i will, but i tried to take a pic of my 'tramp stamp' the other day, and it was so darn hard to get a good one at that angle! will get DPants to take one, and do a post soon!!
So yeah, Thursday turned into a emergency hang out night with our friend Z. Z msgd us during the day to inform us that she had broken up with her boyfriend of almost 3 years! big shock to me! not really to R, because Z had mentioned that she wasn't happy and was thinking about doing it a while ago. the big reason that Z hadn't mentioned it to me was that her now-ex bf J is DPants' best friend. That's how DPants and I met actually. but she was worried it would make things awkward if i knew things before they happened. and i totally understand. So yeah, big shock from Z. R was on hand to rush over to her while she was a bit hysterical in the morning, and i went round there as soon as i could after work. turned out to be a good night (as good as it could be i guess) R took her for a haircut so she could feel fresh and new, and she ended up with the cutest fringe! then we all sat around and drank a bit, listened to Z while she cried some more and told us what had gone wrong. it breaks my heart to see her cry and see her sad. but shes done the right thing. now theres the matter of finding a place to live, packing all her stuff and moving on. We all headed out to dinner at a great italian place down the road and had delicious pizza and lots of wine. lots of girly laughs. R stayed the night with Z, one because of the amount of wine she'd drunk "supporting" Z (haha) and two to be a good friend. I'm glad she stayed with her, its never nice sleeping in a big house alone after something emotional has gone down.
whew....anywho... on to Friday! Friday night was celebrated with R's last dance at Mint. Mint is a great club that holds a "retro night" on Fridays. and of course we go to hear the likes of Hanson, Backstret boys, five and spice girls, and to dance the night away with no shame that these songs are our favs and remind us of all growing up together (even if they are essentially awful). we had a blast!
H and R doing shots. gross, i hate shots. but they loved these, and of course they were called "wet pussys" why do shots have to have such feral names?
my beautiful chickees on the dance floor. was so much fun, going to Mint will never be as fun now that R has left us!
And now onto Saturday! Saturday morning was spent just pottering around cleaning the house a bit in preparation for Jades stay. DPants had already cleaned the house pretty well on Friday night as he had peeps over while I went out (more on that later), so there wasn't much to do. R came round to pick up some make up she'd left in my bag, and we ended up sprawled on the couch with chips and dip watching Daria (one last time!) until she had to go to her appointments. Then there wasn't alot of time between R leaving and Jade rocking up. Yay for Jade! ( I'm always so happy when she comes up to stay, we always have so much fun. and she always brings Vodka!! so yay for that. we chilled out for a bit on the couch, had a couple of drinks, then got hungry. so off to the shops we went, which turned into a little spending spree in Kmart for Jade because she can never resist buying a few things for Ri. I ended up buying a pretty dress for $12 so it was a good day all round! we then carried out our tradition of pretty much ALWAYS watching cat in the hat when we're together. its our fav movie and still makes us laugh every time!
SO EXCITED! hahahaha
then, almost sadly, it was time to get ready! we were all heading out to R's going away party at a lovely beer garden just north of the city and were looking forward to a great night out. outfit pics coming right up -
Dans BRILLIANT photography skills at work again! Even Jade had a dig at his work ( ahaha, poor guy is trying!
finally! a nice shot! thanks babe! I was so excited about this new dress! its a Wayne by Wayne Cooper that i 'bought' from Z on Thursday night. i say 'bought' because she wouldn't let me give her any money for it! instead i payed for her dessert at the restaurant!
and a semi-nice pic of me and dear Jade. this pic doesn't do her dress the justice it deserved, she looked awesome in it! i wish i hadn't hunched down to make myself shorter, i look all odd and awkward. i was trying to de-emphasize our height difference and make J feel better about being a shrimpboat! (hahah sorry J :p)
nice thongs DMan!! haha thankfully, he did change out of them before we went out!
The party was lovely. lots of great friends, a great beer garden (even if it was stinking hot!) and yummy food and drinks. we all had a great time, but we were all getting a little sad about R leaving too.
Everyone enjoying their drinks while we wait for dinner. from left to right, R's sister B (whoops, bad shot of her, sorry B!) her boyfriend T. then H and her boyfriend M. you cant see B, but hes behind R's head and his girlfriend C. and of course, our favourite red head R! mmmm Mojito!
The lovely R and C. I haven't C for years, it was so great to catch up! we went all through school together, right from grade 2! she is so sweet :)
Me and the crazy Z! isn't her new fringe adorable! we had so much fun together, we all woke up a little rough on Sunday, but it was well worth it!
open your eyes D! the party's only just begun!!!
unfortunately, my camera skills go a little hay-wire when I've had a few drinks so there's no photos from later on in the night. but we all had a blast and danced the night away with all our great friends.
so that was my weekend, phew. Sunday afternoon, my parents were staying in the city with my little bro (he had some appointments in the morning) so once id woken up and semi-recovered, we headed in a had a lovely afternoon tea in their hotel room with my sister too. was a nice afternoon, mum had made egg sandwiches and cut up some fruit and we had cake too! and on account of me not being able to eat bread, but egg smoosh being my favorite filling, mum bought up some cruskits for me to put my egg on. shes so awesome!
then it was all back to work on Monday like normal and try to survive the day without falling asleep! and today's even worse, i went to the airport last night to see R off with her family and H and Z. it was so sad to see her go, but i managed not to full on bawl until i was in the car! i hate crying in front of people!
R's beautiful earmuffs that she got for Xmas. Shes gonna need them!
our last photo before she left us! :( so sad. going to miss her so much! hope she has an amazing time. shes going to make so many friends and have a ball. I'm so proud of her for doing this!!